Excellence in education and an unwavering commitment to student success.
The Wheeling University core curriculum provides all students, regardless of their major, with the skills that will allow them to pursue their own integral development and to contribute to the common good. All Wheeling University students must complete this Core Curriculum in addition to the requirements of their major. View Core Curriculum »
PSYC 110
General Psychology
3 cr
A survey of contemporary psychology, including the topics of conditioning and learning, sensation and perception, psychophysiology, motivation and emotion, memory and cognition, development, social behavior, psychological testing, personality, psychopathology and psychotherapy. Participation in research projects or an alternative exercise is required.
Course Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring
PSYC 212
Developmental Psychology
3 cr
An analysis of development throughout the life-span, with a special emphasis on various theoretical approaches to development. Designed for non-psychology majors. Students taking this course should not take PSYC 214, 216, or Prerequisite: PSYC 110.
Course Offered: Spring of every odd year
PSYC 220
Educational Psychology
3 cr
A study of the cognitive and affective dimensions of student behavior with an emphasis on the theoretical conceptions of learning which underlie education methods. Professional Education students should register for the section designated for them.
Prerequisite: PSYC 110. Course Offered: Every Fall
EDUC 210
Educational Technology
3 cr
Experiences in teaching in technology, with technology, and through technology by incorporating hands-on work with computers and associated peripherals, the Internet, and content software. Strategies for effective integration of technology and the security and ethical issues associated with technology are included.
EDUC 231
Schools and Communities
2 cr
Introduction to teaching as a profession with an emphasis on exploring various perspectives on education through dialogue and activities related to current issues relevant to today’s classroom teachers. Topics include teacher dispositions, challenges teachers and schools face, influence of the law on education, standards and assessment, and the global educational context. The field component involves tutoring and/or leading learning activities with children. (10 Hours Field Placement in Schools Required)
EDUC 232
Classroom and Teacher Roles
3 cr
Study of teaching, focusing on classroom pedagogical and management strategies, development of objectives, and lesson planning, as well as discussion of the various roles of a teacher. Attention also given to co-teaching and collaboration. The field component involves observation and teaching experience under the guidance of a K-12 mentor teacher. There is a focus on reflections related to planning, pacing, and teaching strategies. (30 Hours Field Placement in Schools Required)
EDUC 310, 311, or 312*
EDUC 310*
Curriculum Development & Methods: Secondary English/Language Arts
3 cr
Study of English/Language Arts curriculum, incorporating specific methods to prepare students to teach secondary English/Language Arts. (40 Hours Field Placement in Schools Required)
Prerequisite: Admitted to Education Program.
EDUC 311*
Curriculum Development & Methods: Secondary Mathematics & Science
3 cr
117 Study of mathematics and science curriculum, incorporating specific methods to prepare students to teach secondary math and science. (20 Hours Field Placement in Schools Required)
Prerequisite: Admitted to Education Program.
EDUC 312*
Curriculum Development & Methods: Secondary Social Studies
3 cr
Study of Social Studies curriculum incorporating specific methods to prepare students to teach secondary Social Studies. (20 Hours Field Placement in Schools Required)
Prerequisite: Admitted to Education Program
EDUC 320
The Special Education Process
3 cr
Study of the history of special education incorporating significant legislation, litigation, and trends. Important practices, including the referral process, functional behavior assessments, transition plans, 504 plans, IEPs, and the continuum of classroom services. (30 Hours Field Placement in Schools Required).
Prerequisite: Admitted to Education Program.
Exceptionality and Diversity in the Classroom
3 cr
Overview of the characteristics and needs of exceptional and diverse learners. This course focuses on the curricular and instructional alternatives that address these needs. Emphasis will be on accommodations and modifications, data collection, assistive technology, and collaboration.
Co-requisites: In the event a teacher candidate is completing coursework leading toward a multi-categorical endorsement SPED 333C and SPED 333F are to be completed concurrently. Prerequisite: Admitted to Education Program.
EDUC 334
Reading in Content Areas
3 cr
Systematic introduction to current theory, research, and practice in the integration of literacy activities across content areas. Student work in cooperative groups to design, publish, and present a unit of study (or unit plan) using literacy strategies to address and assess content standards and objectives. The course involves simulated teaching discussion, position papers, reflective papers, and peer response. (30 Hours Field Placement in Schools Required).
Prerequisite: Admitted to Education Program
EDUC 473
WVTPA/Action Research
1 cr
Capstone activity in which students work with children in specific and assigned classes in a K-12 school in the licensure content and programmatic area(s), develop action research projects. They will prepare and present a summary of research-related activities and their results.
Prerequisite: Department approval.
EDUC 475
Student-Teaching Seminar
1 cr
Further development of knowledge and skills vital to successful teaching, examination of contemporary issues in education and development of a professional portfolio. This class is taken in conjunction with student teaching.
Corequisites: EDUC 475 and EDUC 481. Prerequisite: Department approval. *Satisfies EXSL Core Requirement.
EDUC 476
2 cr
Continuation of the development of the knowledge and skills needed to assess various aspects of teaching and achievement by all learners, the appropriate role of reflection and self-evaluation, the examination of research on assessment, and current reform movements. Also presented will be classroom, program, individual, formative, summative, traditional, and alternative assessment models.
Prerequisite: Senior standing.
EDUC 481
Student Teaching
Variable 3 [ACT] – 11 cr
A full semester (14 weeks) of teaching experience in specific and assigned classes in a K-12 school in the licensure content and programmatic area(s) under the direct supervision of a cooperating teacher selected by University faculty.
Prerequisite: Department approval.
MATH 109
College Algebra and Problem Solving
3 cr
This course is designed to strengthen the student’s pedagogy in mid-elementary, middle school, and practical mathematics. The course goal is to equip students to answer the question “how can I prepare myself and my students (and/or children) to be competent mathematics students?” Students will develop skills and gain the content knowledge necessary to be an effective, competent, and student-centered mathematics teacher.
Course Offered: Every Fall
MATH 115
Introduction to Statistics
3 cr
Descriptive statistics including measures of central tendency and variability, graphic representation, probability, the binomial, normal and T distributions, hypothesis testing and linear regression.
Course Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring
MATH 215
Applied Probability and Statistics
3 cr
An introduction to probability: discrete and continuous random variables (binomial, geometric, hypergeometric, Poisson, normal, and exponential), sampling distributions, multivariate distributions and hypothesis testing. Covers the statistical analyses skills necessary to determine whether data is meaningful and how to predict, understand, and improve results.
Prerequisite: MATH 192. Course Offered: Spring of every even year
MATH 250
3 cr
Euclid’s Axioms, the parallel postulate, leading to non-Euclidean geometries, and an introduction to projective and affine geometries.
Course Offered: On Demand
MATH 151
3 cr
A thorough preparation for calculus with analytic geometry, including conic sections, and the transcendental functions: logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric functions.
Course Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring
MATH 191
Calculus I
4 cr
A theoretical introduction to differential calculus including limits, continuity, the basic rules for derivatives and applications including optimization problems. A brief introduction to integration leading to the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus completes this course.
Prerequisite: MATH 151 or equivalent. Course Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring
MATH 192
Calculus II
4 cr
Transcendental functions, applications of integrals, volumes of revolution, surface areas; techniques of integration, including powers of trigonometric functions, integration by parts and by partial fractions, improper integrals, infinite series, Taylor’s expansion and indeterminate forms.
Prerequisite: MATH 191. Course Offered: Every Fall, Every Spring
MATH 212
Ordinary Differential Equations
4 cr
ODEs of first order: linear, homogeneous, separable and exact, with applications; orthogonal trajectories; those of second order: reducible to first order, general and particular solutions by the methods of undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters and power series; and an introduction to numerical methods and Laplace Transforms.
Prerequisite: MATH 192. Course Offered: Every Spring
MATH 235
Discrete Mathematics
3 cr
This course covers sequences, sets and relations, logic and truth tables, Boolean algebra, logic gates, combinatorics, probability, graph theory, algorithms, matrix algebra and determinants.
Prerequisites: MATH 191 or equivalent. Course Offered: Spring of every odd year
EDUC 313
Mathematics Education Residency I
4 cr
This course will focus on the West Virginia College – and Career – Readiness Standards for Mathematics (2520.2B) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics CAEP Standards. Students will study and practice the mathematical standards in the following areas: algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probability, statistics, and calculus. Students will complete math assignments, Discussion Board posts, and reflections. In addition to observing lessons, students will assist the mentor teacher with classroom tutoring. Tutoring will involve helping individual and small groups completion or of students with homework other support activities assigned by the classroom teacher. (60 Hours Field Placement in Schools Required).
Prerequisite: Admitted to Education Program.
EDUC 314
Mathematics Education Residency II
4 cr
This course will focus on the West Virginia College – and Career – Readiness Standards for Mathematics (2520.2B) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics CAEP Standards. Students will study and practice the mathematical standards in the following areas: algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probability, statistics, and calculus. Students will complete math assignments, Discussion Board posts, and reflections. In addition to observing lessons, students will assist the mentor teacher with classroom tutoring. Tutoring will involve helping individual and small groups completion or of students with homework other support activities assigned by the classroom teacher. (60 Hours Field Placement in Schools Required).
Prerequisite: Admitted to Education Program.
EDUC 231
PSYC 110
MATH 109
MATH 115
WJUS 103 (Core Seminar)
Total Credits
EDUC 232
PSYC 212 or PSYCH 216
Core (Effective CommunicationWriting Intensive Sequence Part II)
MATH 250
MATH 151
Total Credits
SUMMER: Praxis CORE Exam or Exempt from Praxis with ACT=26 or SAT=1170
PSYC 220
Math 191
EDUC 210
EDUC 320
Core (Effective Communication-Effective Speaking)
Total Credits
MATH 192
Core (Empirical Analysis-Natural Science)
Core (Foundations & Integration-Humanities)
Total Credits
EDUC 313
MATH 212
MATH 235
Core (Foundations & Integration- Ethics)
Total Credits
EDUC 314
EDUC 334
MATH 215
Core (Global Perspectives)
Total Credits
YEAR 3: Praxis Content Knowledge Exam
EDUC 475
EDUC 476 Evaluation
EDUC 311
EDUC 481 (Student Teaching)
EDUC 375
Total Credits
EDUC 375
EDUC 481 (Student Teaching)
Core (Global Perspectives)
Total Credits
**Year one must complete Praxis I-CORE tests or exempt with ACT=26 or SAT=1170 **Year three must complete Praxis II Content Student must pass the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators Exams in order to be accepted into the Education Department. Additionally, students must possess and subsequently maintain a minimum grade-point average (GPA) of 2.5 overall. Once admitted to the Education Department, students must maintain an average of a 3.0 GPA in the major, as well as in Education and Psychology courses. Prior to student teaching, students must pass the Praxis Content Exams. In order to obtain teacher certification, students must successfully complete all required national Praxis Examinations through the Educational Testing Service (ETS).