Sacramental Preparation & RCIA
The Sacraments
The seven sacraments are the signs and instruments by which the Holy Spirit spreads the grace of Christ the head throughout the Church which is his Body. The visible rites of the sacraments signify and make present God’s saving grace in the most significant moments of our lives–like birth, healing, forgiveness, sharing a meal. Formed in such a fashion, we look for and can become the mediation of God’s grace in our lives, relationships and all of creation.
Rite of Chiristian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Interested in joining the Catholic Church or learning more about what it means to be Catholic?

The RCIA is for you if:
- You are not baptized and are interested in being baptized as a Catholic;
- You have been baptized in another Christian denomination and are interested in joining the Catholic Church;
- You have been baptized Catholic and seek First Eucharist and/or Confirmation, and you have not had any significant religious education;
- You seek greater understanding of what it means to be a Catholic Christian.
The RCIA begins at the end of September. It consists of weekly classes which allow participants to learn and ask questions about the essentials of Catholic beliefs. During this time, participants are encouraged to explore the ways God is calling them through prayer and involvement in the faith community. The RCIA culminates in the conferral of the Sacraments of Initiation shortly after Easter. Interested persons should contact Jamey Brogan, Director of Campus Ministry in Swint 207 at 304-243-2168 or

Campus Ministry provides Confirmation preparation for baptized Catholics who have received First Reconciliation and Eucharist. Confirmation is a completion of Baptism in which a person accepts the faith as his own and receives the fullness of the Holy Spirit. It is usually celebrated shortly after Easter. Persons wishing to receive this sacrament will participate in a series of sessions on the teachings of the Catholic Church. Contact Jamey Brogan, Director of Campus Ministry in Swint 207 at 304-243-2168 or in the Fall semester to determine when confirmation preparation should begin.