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Student Life

Student Government

Student Government strives to be the voice for the students. We have been elected into these positions to meet with University Administration and bring your concerns to their attention. If you have any issues that you would like for us to assist you with, please email us at

The Oath of Office we take each fall:
In order to uphold and promote the morals and values 
of Wheeling University, We, the Wheeling University
Student Government Association will faithfully 
represent the needs of the student body.
Through hard work and dedication, we will empower the voice
of the students and actively promote a vibrant 
campus community at Wheeling University.

Student Senate

The Student Senate is the legislative power of Student Government. The Student Senate serves as an advisory group on campus-wide matters and concerns. The Student Senate also decides, by majority vote, on recommendations that have been passed to them from the Executive Board for action.

The Student Senate is comprised of three Class Officers of each separate class, four Senators-at-large. Each of these members receives one vote each. The Senate also consists of a nonvoting seat for a representative from Interhall Council, a nonvoting seat for the President of the Commuter Club, and a nonvoting seat for the Executive Board President.

The Student Senate meets bi-weekly on Mondays in the Acker Science Center Auditorium at 9:15pm. These meetings are open to all students.

Executive Board

Batson Sheets
SGA President

Genesis Ramirez 
SGA Vice President

Eva Tolliver 
SGA Secretary

Jade MillerĀ 
SGA Treasurer

Elizabeth Strange
SGA Sergeant in Arms