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Student Life

Spiritual Direction Q&A

What is spiritual direction?
Meeting with a spiritual guide for spiritual formation through working on the heart and experiencing God through scripture and community. With practice and accountability, one can make space in their life to see how God is speaking to them and through them.

What are some questions that are asked in spiritual direction?

  • How can I be happy?
  • What am I called to do?
  • What does good discernment look like?
  • How is my prayer life?
  • How am I making time for God?
  • How can I live the questions?

How often do you meet with a spiritual director?
Normal practices consist of meeting with your spiritual director one to two times a month.

Is spiritual direction confidential?
Yes! Spiritual direction takes place in a safe place where confidentiality is valued so that with truth and honesty, the Spirit may lead the conversation.

If I am not Catholic, can I still participate in spiritual direction?
A resounding YES! People from all faith backgrounds participate in spiritual direction. At WU, we have ordained as well as non-ordained spiritual directors available for you.

Does it cost anything?
Many places charge for spiritual direction, but the joy of being at a Catholic institution is that it is free to students and staff.

How can I get started?
Contact Hadi Sasmita, S.J. at ext. 2635 or to answer questions or to get started.