April 26, 2024
Wheeling University April Update
Dear Wheeling University Community,
Since the end of March, so much has been happening around campus. It is so nice to see that our students remain focused on classwork. As they concentrate on finishing the academic year, the administration and staff continue to plan activities, prepare for Commencement, and spruce up the campus. I am pleased to share with you the great work taking place at Wheeling University.
April has been a time to highlight the achievements of our students. This month, academic departments are hosting induction ceremonies for the Business, English, and Psychology honor societies. Additionally, Wheeling will host its very first Alpha Alpha Alpha (Tri-Alpha) induction. The Tri-Alpha society recognizes first-generation students.
Through a partnership with three local businesses, Wheeling Engineering students are gaining real-world experience. Thanks to Robert Yahn, Assistant Professor of Engineering, several of his students are interns at Kalkreuth Roofing, Tecnocap, and Touchstone Research Lab, all local businesses. You can read more about how the students and the companies are benefitting from these internships HERE.
The University hosted an Etiquette Dinner where 25 students learned valuable skills from Noah Fraley of Aladdin Dining. This event focused on silverware usage, appropriate attire to wear in business settings, and proper conversation topics for a business dinner.
Students in several academic programs presented their scholarly work during this year’s Student Research and Scholarship Symposium. More than 75 students participated in the symposium and delivered their research projects. You can read more about the symposium by clicking HERE.
At the end of March, Dr. Edward Younkins, Professor of Accounting, presented the Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture at the Austrian Economics Research Conference in Auburn, Alabama. In April, Dr. MaryLu Hutchins, Education Faculty, presented with the West Virginia Department of Education at the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) 2024 Symposium in Orlando, Florida. AAQEP is the national accreditor for our Education Program. Additionally, Dr. Krissy Grubler, Associate Clinical Professor of PT, will serve on the faculty for the American Physical Therapy Association’s Level 1 Train the Trainer Course in Virginia next month.
The Doctor of Physical Therapy program took part in two events this month. The university hosted DPT students from Marshall, WVU and WU for the APTA-WV Student Leadership Academy April 6-7. The students joined faculty from those institutions, along with WV clinicians for the APTA-WV strategic planning meeting held that same weekend. On April 19, the DPT Program held a Health Care Career Fair where 13 vendors were on hand to promote employment opportunities.
The Admissions Team is making high school visits, hosting transfer events, and welcoming new students at orientations. On April 27, Admissions will conduct an Accepted Student Day.
The Financial Aid Office continues to assist students with Financial Aid packages. This year’s revised FAFSA application has brought delays to all schools nationwide. However, Wheeling University is seeing a minimal impact.
We cannot wait to welcome our alumni back to campus beginning on June 21 for Alumni Weekend 2024! The schedule of events is available, and you may go to the website or just click here to register. This year, we will induct the Class of 1974 into the 50 Year Club and host milestone anniversary receptions for the classes of 1959, 1964, and 1999. Alumni from every class are welcome to attend this weekend. It is a time to celebrate with all our graduates.
The Athletic Department is hosting the Cardinal Golf Scramble on Thursday, June 20, at Wheeling Country Club. More details on this event will be shared soon.
The Wheeling Athletic Department has added two new women’s sports that will begin competition in the 2024-2025 season. Women’s Lacrosse is returning after being suspended after the 2019 season. Faith Flanagan has been selected to lead the Women’s Lacrosse team when it begins competition. She comes to Wheeling from Notre Dame College where she served as an assistant coach. Women’s Rugby will launch its first season in 2024.
You can read about our athletes’ achievements and team championships on the Athletic Page.
Campus Ministry
The bells at the Chapel of Mary and Joseph are ringing again and Fr. Freddie is so happy. Our physical plant staff was able to replace the amplifier, and everyone is now able to hear the chimes from the speakers. Fr. Freddie said the bells will ring every hour, before the masses on Sundays, and weekdays, and be a reminder of Catholic Spirit on campus. The bells serve as a gentle reminder to pray.
Physical Plant
Work is nearly complete to refurbish 21 rooms that were impacted by moisture issues inside Ignatius Hall. Many of the students who were displaced by this work, have since been able to return to their rooms. Additionally, members of our physical plant staff recently renovated all the showers in Campion/McHugh residence halls. They installed all new faucets, regrouted the tile inside the stalls and deep cleaned the floors. Thanks to this work done by our dedicated staff, the showers look like new!
This Summer nearly $1 million will be invested to upgrade our facilities. Scheduled work includes replacement of several roofs, installation of HVAC systems and repairs to an elevator. This is in addition to the annual repairs done prior to the start of the next academic year.
Student Affairs
The Student Activities Office collaborated with Admissions to welcomed 18 students to campus for the first New Student Orientation.
Throughout April, Student Activities, the Campus Activities Board, and the Black Student Union held several events for students. The events included a solar eclipse and ice cream social, a glow stick man hunt, a cornhole tournament, and an Earth Day Celebration Block Party. As the year ends, Student Affairs will again host Last Blast just ahead of finals week.
As you can see, much is happening at Wheeling University. Commencement, our most important student event of the year, will take place on Saturday, May 4, 2024. The Valedictorian for the Class of 2024 is Natalie Stoner, an Education major from Bellaire, Ohio. Alumna Jennifer Hornyak ’00, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, will serve as the Commencement speaker. The ceremony will be livestreamed for anyone who cannot attend. A link for the livestream will be available on wheeling.edu website that day. The Wheeling University community is excited to honor the class of 2024 and celebrate the achievements of our graduates.
Once again, let me extend my heartfelt thanks for your support of Wheeling University.

Dianna M. Vargo, Ed.D.
Chief Operations Officer