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Update from the President

May 29

Dear Campus Community,

While Wheeling University is fully able to deliver a robust and supportive educational experience to students in any format–including remote/hybrid or fully asynchronously online–it’s our preference and, overwhelmingly, the preference of our students, that classes be held in person unless public health conditions require switching to alternative forms of distance instruction.

In order to ensure that we’re able to deliver this experience as safely and completely as possible, the university is planning multiple mitigation tactics for the Fall and has revamped the Fall 2020-21 Academic Calendar.

The highlights of the new calendar, which features 15-week semesters are as follows:

  • Undergraduate students will return to campus and move into the dormitories starting the week of August 17 in a staggered schedule to permit social distancing.
  • Fall 2020 undergraduate classes will begin on August 24.
  • Fall Break will not be recognized this year.
  • Students will return home on November 24 for Thanksgiving break and will then finish their classes online for the remainder of the semester.
  • Final exams will begin online on December 7-11.
  • An online Winter Session will start on December 12 – January 10 and be offered at a reduced tuition cost.
  • Undergraduate students will return to campus to move into the dormitories starting the week of January 4 in a staggered schedule to permit social distancing.
  • On-campus Undergraduate classes will begin on January 11.

We regret any disruption or inconvenience caused by these new calendar dates. We believe completing the semester at a rapid pace will help us avoid much more severe disruptions if a resurgent COVID-19 outbreak occurs in the late fall. Many public health care experts are predicting a new heightened outbreak to coincide with flu season. The new academic calendar should help us avoid that outbreak while minimizing students’ travel between home states and the Wheeling area.

Beyond the calendar, the university is reviewing the following other mitigation options:

  • WU will provide all on-campus students, faculty, and staff with masks
  • Exploring the testing of students, faculty, and staff upon their return to either campus this fall, and exploring monitoring of symptoms
  • Enhanced cleaning of facilities
  • Scheduling multiple lunch periods
  • Minimizing gatherings
  • Utilizing larger classrooms to enhance social distancing

In this challenging time, please know that Wheeling University is highly committed and able to do everything possible to keep our community safe. Questions may be directed to We will continue to update you with more details as the situation evolves.

It’s been generations since we, as a country and community, have weathered such disruption. With your help, we will emerge stronger and tell our future generations of the successes hard-earned through our collective efforts.

With appreciation,

Ginny R. Favede
President, Wheeling University