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Student Life

Early Alert Retention

The early alert retention program is designed to improve the success rate of our students in the classroom, promote positive student development, and, ultimately, increase retention at Wheeling University.  The program seeks to identify at-risk students early and develop an academic success plan, provide information about campus resources, and work collaboratively to help students reach their academic goals.  

*Faculty & Staff Only*

Who should be referred to the Early Warning Retention Program?

Students with:

  • Poor attendance and/or consistent tardiness
  • Low participation/motivation
  • Poor quality of work
  • Late and/or missing assignments
  • Low exam/quiz grades
  • A need to address study skills or time management
  • Other academic concerns

*Concerns of student conduct should be referred to the Office of Student Services at (304) 243-2350

What types of learning challenges does the Early Alert Retention Program address?

  • Scheduling and Time Management
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Note-Taking Skills
  • Test-Taking Strategies
  • Classroom Etiquette
  • Goal Setting and Prioritization
  • Attendance and Deadline Expectations

How are students referred to the program?

Faculty and staff are encouraged to refer students whom they feel would benefit from the services by filling out the online form linked below. After you have filled out the necessary information, click the submit button at the end of the form. The referral will be sent to the Student Success Center.  We ask that only concerns that need further attention are reported. For example, if the student has already been contacted, and a solution has already been decided, it would not be necessary for student success to intervene unless you believe the situation needs further attention. If you are unsure, please feel free to send any concerns via the early alert form.  

What happens after I refer a student?

The student will be contacted via phone or email.  A meeting will be set up with the director of student success, and a plan will be implemented to get the student back on track.   Should the student not respond, the director of student success will contact coaches, resident assistants, professors, and other campus personnel in an attempt to contact the student.  WU student success helps students create Academic Success Plans, identify barriers, and lay the groundwork necessary for students to reach their goal of graduation.