Accredited by the American Association for Quality Educator Preparation (AAQEP).
Elementary Education
Major | Secondary Education Major | Special Education [Major]
Prepares students to gain certification leading to licensure in Elementary Education (K-6, Multi-Subjects), Secondary Education (5-Adult Content Specialization), and/or Special Education.
Accelerated Certification for Teaching
Professional Certificate | Online Offered
Enables working educators to earn a master’s degree in as little as one year, entirely online, with West Virginia licensure transferable to most other states. Educators with a master’s in education can earn a special teaching field certificate through the Sequence of Study Certificate Program.
Multi-Categorical Special Education
Endorsement | Online Offered
Students can gain an endorsement as special education teachers applied in West Virginia.
Master of Arts in Education: Education Leadership
Online Offered
Enables working educators to earn a master’s degree in as little as one year, entirely online, with West Virginia licensure transferable to most other states. Educators with a master’s in education can earn a special teaching field certificate through the Sequence of Study Certificate Program.
Please review this link for more information on the Education curriculum as it aligns with educational requirements for professional licensure or certification with other states licensure.